
Citynet Magazine focuses on lifestyle, food, travel, nightlife, geek*, health and wellness, beauty, tech, dating, startups, money, humour, music, society, pop culture, and entertainment. While the HQ is in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, we cover stories from across the country and around the world. Part of our content is “for anyone, everywhere” and the rest is city based content.

*”Geek” in the sense of being really into something, not necessarily the “nerd” connotation.


We cover stories that fit into any or all of the following:

Spreading awareness (of places, events, products, etc.)
Niche entertainment
Give a voice to novelty


People travel around the world looking for a different experience and forget that at any given time, there’s a lot going on in any major city. As such, our motto is: Rediscover your own city.

Website History

Citynet Magazine began as a personal website and blog on April 1st, 1997. At the time, there was no such thing as a “blog” as we know them today, making this website one of the first blogs in Internet history. The original website was hosted at AOL (1997-2000) and then self-hosted at BrianX.com (2000-2010), afterwhich it became CitynetMagazine.com (2010-present). While the site has had tens of millions of visitors, the most recent changes (Spring 2015) have included a new design and more city-centric approach (especially Montreal, Quebec, Canada).

Website Chronology

First Edition: April 1st, 1997
Redesigned:  October 19th, 1998
Relaunched:  March 2001
Renovated:  December 2002
Redone: June 2009
Renamed: September 2010
Refreshed : October 2012
Revitalized: April 2015

Editorial Board

There are many people involved and without their input, little could be accomplished. The site is run by a team of “web guys” although the content is the responsibility of each individual contributor as per the Terms & Conditions.

Brian Rotsztein, M.A.
Staff Writer
Field Producer

Tom Hartman
Senior Editor
Video Host
Staff Writer
Field Producer

Please visit our list of contributors and video hosts.

We’re always looking for new contributors. Contact us if you’re interested!