Michael Cho is a Toronto-based illustrator, cartoonist, and occasional writer, renowned for his award-winning work. While celebrated...
There is no question that Montreal truly is the city of festivals. This summer alone there are...
In this exclusive interview with comic book writer Gail Simone, she discusses AI usage in story writing....
Given how expensive life is quickly becoming in Montreal, and across Canada, this is a new feature...
This is a personal retrospective and tribute to somewhat lesser known 80s/90s Canadian rock group, National Velvet....
Canada is the second largest country and navigating your way on the open road does come with...
Marvel and DC illustrator Marco Rudy is known for his remarkable work on popular titles such as...
It can be said that Canadians are proud to own the country’s passport. After all, it allows...
Ken Lashley is one of the most experienced, down-to-earth, and wonderfully talented artists in the comic book...
Just north of Downtown Montreal, the bustling Fairmount Avenue West is known for several legendary food shops....
Internationally renown DJ Tchami (real name Martin Bresso) made his way back to Montreal last night, bringing...
Yanick Paquette, a titan in the comic book industry, was among the highlights at this year’s Montreal...
Famed as an Indigenous comic book artist with an exceptional gift for sketching Transformers, along with a...
Montreal’s Old Port is set ablaze with colour and wonder as the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil brings...
In what is sure to be an unforgettable event for comic book enthusiasts and fans of the...