Contributor Style Guide

As a contributor to Citynet Magazine, it is up to you to familiarize yourself with the style guide. The easier you make it to publish your article, the better. Please make sure your article submissions comply with the following points which are mandatory.

Article Format

  • Article Length: 500 – 2,500 words
  • Have a Point: Articles must have a clear point. This sounds obvious but far too many submissions are not published because they don’t state what their point is. Make it easy for readers to know what they are reading about. The point of your article must be stated early (in the first third of the article).
  • Paragraph Headers (Sub-headings): Place a header above most of your paragraphs to guide the reader

Article Layout

  • Each article should have an introduction, middle and conclusion.
  • Introduction: The intro should begin with a catchy statement to get people to read the article.
  • Middle: Make it interesting. If the middle bores people, they will stop reading your article.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion can be a closing sentence. For example, after an article that is mostly a list of items, you can end it with a simple statement. Just bring closure to the article.

Content Expectations

  • Only original articles are accepted. We cannot overstate that point. If you published it somewhere else, we don’t want it. If you intend to reprint the article somewhere else after we publish it, we don’t want it.
  • We want people to read your article. Let your personality shine through to keep things interesting.
  • Inform people while being entertaining.
  • Use humor.
  • Our readers like details, especially in “how to” articles, movie reviews, and so on. Keep that in mind as you write.

General Article Writing Rules

  • Headings: Use title case, meaning that you will use a capital letter for the principal words.  Do not use capital letters for prepositions, articles or  conjunctions unless one is the first word. For example: “The Best Apps for Smart Mobile Phone Users” (not “The best apps for smart mobile phone users” or “The Best Apps For Smart Mobile Phone Users)
  • Quotation Marks: Include periods, question marks and exclamation points before the closing quotation mark. For example: “great!” (not “great”!)
  • Paragraph Numbers: In a paragraph, spell out one through nine. Write the number itself for 10 and up.
  • List Numbers: In a list, use numerals (e.g., “3” not “three”)
  • Numbers in Titles: Use the numeral (e.g., “5 Reasons to Write an Article”)
  • Apostrophes: Never put an apostrophe for a year (e.g., “1990s” not “1990’s”)
  • Role Titles: Use upper case for the first letter of a role title. For example, Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Specific Terms: “I” in Internet is upper case. Preferred: Email (not e-mail), e-commerce (not ecommerce)
  • Spacing: One space after a period

Photos & Graphics

  • Each article must have a thumbnail associated with it. If you do not have thumbnail, will provide one. Thumbnails must be 50 pixels x 50 pixels.
  • Aside from the thumbnail images, adding photos to dress up the content of your articles is encouraged. Personal photos, stock photos that have been purchased, or graphics/images can be used.
  • It is forbidden to use photos or graphics that you do not have the rights to or permission to use. There may be serious legal ramifications for the illegal use of photos by any contributor.

Links to Websites

  • If you want to link to another website in your article, you may do so but it must be relevant to the topic.
  • It is forbidden to link casino websites, adult content websites, pharmacy websites, and any website that can be considered in the grey area of the Internet.
  • You may not add an affiliate link to any website.

Contributor Bio Photos

  • We now require all contributors to include their photo. This can be done by direct upload or by Gravatar.
  • Photos add credibility so make sure you submit a good one.


  • We want to promote your article and you. By publishing it with, there’s a good chance it will be sent out on Facebook, tweeted on Twitter, and spread through other means (e.g., from time to time we promote articles through press releases).
  • We’d love for you to promote the article as well. Send it out to your fans and followers. Add a link to your website or blog linking back to the article and/or to your profile page.

Important Publication Info for All Contributors

  • will only publish articles that meet its standard.
  • reserves the right to edit all submissions.
  • reserves the right to not publish your article for any reason whatsoever, at any time.
  • For most topics, there is no specific publication schedule so you can submit articles at any time.
  • All articles that are published must be 100% unique and original. Only exclusive work will be published.
  • Your article may not be published anywhere else before or after it is published on (that includes derivatives of the article).
  • You must be the original author of the content.

If you are still unclear after going through the style guide, please contact one of the editors.