If you’re into cosplayers, roleplaying games, video games, geek podcasts, burlesque, LARPing, steampunk music, and sci-fi, and you understand the significance of stormtroopers fighting Klingons (pictured above), then Geekfest Montreal is an event for you! Fortunately, it’s this weekend!
This is the event’s fifth year and it has grown bigger than ever!
If you’ve ever been to a comiccon, FanExpo, Retro Expo, or similar convention, well, that’s what you can expect! What I like about the premise of this event in particular is that there’s no hidden message here… it’s an event by geeks for geeks! Geek, of course refers to being really, really into something. And trust me, the individuals coming to this event love their geekdom!
- Meet gamers
- Hang out with cosplayers
- See LARPers
- Play Quidditch
- Chat with actors from web series like Noob and LARPs: The Series
- Play Magic: The Gathering
- Buy stuff
- Appear in a masquerade
- Socialize with like-minded geeks
- …and so much more!
Steampunk musical group Jardin Mecanique will be there as will the Montreal geek burlesque show featuring a special Burlesgeek event Saturday night (which is going to be awesome!).
Saturday, November 7, 2015
The fun starts at 9am and goes on until late at night.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Forget sleep as you come in for the 9:30am opening! There will be things to do until late afternoon.
College de Maisonneuve (Not too far from the Olympic Stadium)
2701 Nicolet Street (Door B4)
Montreal, Quebec
H1X 2A2
See you there!