By far one of the most popular characters on The 100 is Bellamy Blake (played by Bob...
We’re in a golden age of television! But there are so many things to watch that it...
The first Montreal Retro Expo this year took place this past Sunday and it was a tremendous...
Burlesque continues to make a comeback in Montreal. The city is showing renewed interest in the exciting performances of...
I like Tom Cruise. There, I said it. I freaking loved Edge of Tomorrow but really I’ve...
Thanks to local cosplayer celebrity Montreal Wolverine, the Montreal geek community now has its own incredible team...
One of the classic super villains of the Marvel universe is Spider-man’s nemesis Doctor Octopus. He has...
This year’s Montreal Comiccon saw the first ever meeting of Karen Gillan and Eve Myles at a...
We caught up with Mitch Pileggi who portrays FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner on the X-files, at...
If you ever wanted to get into the comic book industry, a Montreal-based school is ready to...
The rules of The Walking Dead Drinking Game are similar to other drinking games. Get some alcohol,...
After his big appearance at Montreal Comiccon last year, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre was back to announce...