Waiting for the next X-men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman, Green Lantern, Captain America, Thor, or Avengers...
Here’s an extended look on the new Supergirl TV show that’s going to air on CBS in...
The movie Avengers: Age of Ultron is finally here! To celebrate, we’ve created a gallery of Avengers...
Despite doubters throughout the social media sphere thinking the image of the R2D2 plane is a photoshopped...
The rules of the Game of Thrones drinking game are simple. While watching an episode, do the...
In a first for Montreal Comiccon, Verdun residents Christina Varzaru (23 years old) and Marc Dupuis (age 29)...
This preview of the new Star Wars movie looks so awesome you’ll think you can take on...
Check out this cosplayer and his homemade Transformers Decepticon Shockwave and Modern Warfare combination costume. It even lights...
Did you know that Star Wars fans have created their own costume club? It’s called The Mandalorian...
What is the Retro Expo? It’s one of the best family-friendly collector events in Montreal. A few...
LeeAnna Vamp is an international cosplay celebrity and crowd favourite on the convention scene. Dressed as Ash...
She’s sweet, energetic, full of life, and has something to say which is why we loved our...